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$250.00 MXN (IVA Incluido)
8 disponibles
Estos acopladores de aluminio universal, permiten montar las ruedas de encargo y los mecanismos a ejes de motor de 5 mm de diámetro. El conjunto incluye dos ejes, dos tornillos #4-40 para asegurar los acopladores, y una llave de 0,05″ Allen para su uso con los tornillos de fijación. Cada cubo tiene cuatro agujeros de montaje roscados para tornillos # 4-40 (no incluidas).
Localización: L3
Fabricante | Pololu |
Descuento | 5 o más $237.50 |
8 disponibles
These universal mounting hubs are designed to work with most 5 mm diameter shafts, including round shafts and “D” shafts, such as those on our stepper motors. Each of the two included hubs has four mounting holes for #4-40 screws (not included), letting you mount custom wheels or mechanisms to your motors. The two included #4-40 hex set screws (one for each hub) allow secure coupling of shaft to hub, and a 0.05″ hex wrench (often the smallest size in SAE Allen wrench sets) is included for use with the set screws. A dimension diagram of the hub is available under the resources tab.
These hubs will work with most of our stepper motors (the ones with 5 mm shafts), and they also work with 60 mm, 70 mm, 80 mm, and 90 mm Pololu wheels.
Pololu wheels with 90, 80, 70, and 60mm diameters in three colors: blue, red, and yellow. |
(55) 5768 - 3208
Avenida Morelos 540, Col. Magdalena Mixiuhca, CP: 15850, Alc: Venustiano Carranza, CDMX
Horario de atención:
Lunes a viernes de 9:00AM – 6:00PM
Sábado de 10:00AM – 3:00PM
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